Santana Globally We Care: A Worldwide Network of Support

At Santana Globally We Care, our mission is to empower survivors of domestic violence worldwide. We strive to create a safer world by providing essential resources, support, and education.

Our Emergency Project:

We understand that domestic violence can strike anyone, anywhere. While our immediate assistance, such as providing temporary shelter, is currently limited to Spain and Switzerland, we are committed to helping survivors worldwide.


Our Global Impact:

  • Live Talks and Workshops: We host informative live talks and workshops to raise awareness about domestic violence, empower survivors, and educate the public.
  • Global Support Network: We connect victims with a global network of organizations and resources that can offer immediate assistance and long-term support.
  • Essential Information: We provide crucial information about local government agencies, non-profit organizations, and hotlines that can help survivors in their specific regions.
  • You’ll be provided with information on: local emergency shelters, hotlines, and other essential services in your local area.
  • Our Global Network: We are building a global network of organizations and individuals committed to ending domestic violence. This network allows us to connect survivors with the appropriate resources, no matter where they are in the world. We work closely with government agencies and non-profit organizations to provide tailored support and assistance.


How You Can Help:

  • Volunteer: Join our team of dedicated volunteers and contribute to our mission.
  • Donate: Your financial support helps us provide essential services to survivors.
  • Spread Awareness: Share our message and encourage others to support our cause.


Together, we can create a world free from domestic violence.


Empowering Generations
with Knowledge

Promoting Informed Generations

We firmly advocate for the transformative power of education in driving positive societal change. Our commitment extends to ensuring that future generations are equipped with comprehensive knowledge about their rights and responsibilities. By prioritizing education, we endeavor to equip individuals with the knowledge necessary to make informed choices, empowering them to contribute meaningfully to society’s advancement.


Active Defence of dignity and original basic human rights

International Defence in international institutions

In collaboration with international organisations aligned with our values, Santana Globally We Care takes an active stance in advocacy efforts, particularly on international platforms such as the United Nations or European institutions. We intend to create a global network of people committed to the Defence of human dignity, in particular the rights of women victims of violence. Through conferences, seminars and workshops, our goal is to spread our vision on a global scale and initiate a universal dialogue that promotes original basic human rights, equity, excellence and responsibility.